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Fifth Annual International Competition for Abstract Non-Figurative Art "21x21" 2023

 The aim of the competition is to provide an overview of different artistic explorations and to bring together artists from around the world
Competition Rules:
1. Each artist can participate
with only one work with exact dimensions 21x21cm. on cardboard / laminated canvas on cardboard - thickness between 2 and 3mm, with no limitation in painting technique. Entries smaller or larger than 21x21cm will not be accepted. The actual image may be smaller than 21x21cm, but not the size of the painting. Artwork must not be framed. Artwork created in a digital medium and photographs are also accepted.
Please write the name of the artwork and sign it on the back, the competition is anonymous!
Again this year the competition will be held in two stages:
1. Please send a photo of your artwork, by November 14, 2023 to the gallery email: with subject: 21x21 and your name. In the email, describe the technique and name of the painting, the price in euros if it is for sale, and your full name and a mailing address to send your work back to. For ease of contact, please include a contact phone number. We do not share personal information with third parties. After an interim judging, if your work is approved, we will send you an email to confirm your acceptance into the competition, as well as how you can pay the entry fee and the address to which you can send your painting. Acceptance of entries will be from 7 November to 14 December 2023.
2. Jurying of accepted entries will be from December 14 to 21, 2023. All entrants will receive an online judging form, the same form the jury receives in order to vote on the
participants' award.
3. The entry fee is €30 and is only payable by participants with paintings accepted for exhibition! 
The fee covers the cost of organizing the exhibition, the publication of an exhibition catalogue (two copies for each participant) in which each work is presented, posters and advertising for the exhibition, and the cost of packing the return mail. The painting, if not sold during the exhibition, and two catalogues will be returned by mail within three months of the exhibition closing.
4. We will announce the prizes during the exhibition opening on December 21, 2023.
The first prize is 280 EUR and a solo exhibition in [a] cube contemporary. The second prize is 140 EUR and a solo exhibition in [a] cube contemporary. The the participants' award is 140 EUR and a solo exhibition in [a] cube contemporary.
5. The exhibition of the competition entries will open on 21 December 2023 and run until 21 February 2024.
6. The gallery does not take commission from sales of the works entered in the competition.

Please download the 2018/2019 catalogue here

Please download the 2020/2021 catalogue here

Please download the 2019/2020 catalogue here

Please download the 2022 catalogue here

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