Shared Spaces a film by Elitsa Baramo
"Shared Spaces" is an art-movie of Baramó and it refers to the Fluxus-fusion. The reason for this being that good ideas are universal. The chort film is carried out with the support of Sofia Municipality, under the initiative "Solidarity in Culture".
The main "characters" are the paintings of Baramó, while the creative invention is thematized by video art. The video art "Noumenon" focuses on negative will too, renouncement of certain freedoms in favor of the idea. The Architect project is a part of the short film “Shared Spaces“. The paintings of the project exist in a new reality; they are set in motion and are accompanied by a sound track of the conceptual texts of the author. The paintings do not illustrate the texts, nor do the texts explain the paintings. They interpret each other.
Music and post production - Enil Enchev; translation and voice-over - Nelly Chalakova; critical text by prof. PhD Krasimir Delchev; by idea, script and painting by Elitsa Baramó.